
Convert time to a decimal number in Excel


We'd like to convert a time value to a decimal number in Excel. For instance hours:minutes:seconds (hh:mm:ss) to a decimal number Excel.


We multiply the time value by the corresponding factor.

  • To hours: multiply the time value by 24, total hours in a day.
  • To minutes: multiply the time value by 1,440, total minutes in a day (24*60).
  • To seconds: multiply the time value by 86,400 total seconds in a day (24*60*60).


Using the function CONVERT to convert between time units.

  • To hours: =CONVERT(B4,"day","hr").
  • To minutes: =CONVERT(B4,"day","mn").
  • To seconds: =CONVERT(B4,"day","sec").


To properly format the cells, select the cells you need to format and press CTRL+1 and choose the format you want.

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